Sunday, November 29, 2009

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?

The website in question is : . Please compare how it looks under FireFox/Mozilla Core and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Thanks in advance!

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?windows nt

It's not any of those... In fact there are two main web browser IE and netscape, others are mainly extension of those two.

Unfortunatly there was a kind of war between those softwares and they disagreed on several points of rendering makinf a web page not displayed the same on both browsers... It's just a different interpretation of the same thing... Your code is not really in cause here but nor IE... It's just a annoying problem of internet web browser...

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?windows 95 internet explorer

that's a pretty tough question for me to answer because i only have IE...

but if someone you know works with computers, or someone you know knows someone that works with computers, have them talk to you...and let them figure it out from there...
If you use Mac, I think Macs recently quit supporting IE. FireFox works fine for most things for me.
yes Firefox is good, as 'sanstheism' said but u have to work on it to render in IE , because most of the people around the world still using IE.

i can tell u onething, if u r using any web designing software like dreamweaver ( personally it has worked for me) tell us which application r u using it? try to work on (target) to render in IE from the beginning (scripts)itself , if its wokin with IE then its should work with other browsers.

and u may have to update the IE the latest version (6), ofcourse u can upgrade for free.
If you just currently experience this problem, that is maybe because MAC or Apple have stop updating Internet Explorer on a MAc system. So its better to start to use SAFARI / Mozilla browser from now on.

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