Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can I make Firefox look like IE?

I found a guide at but some of the links are down. I've been unable to find another guide.

How can I make Firefox look like IE?windows firewall

why would you want to?

go to the main page of the sites with the down pages and see if they moved the pages to another part of the site. you can email them and ask them to email you the info as well

How can I make Firefox look like IE?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

Simply download the profile mentioned at the end of the page. Replace your profile (the default Windows XP path is C:\Documents and Setting\%26lt;username%26gt;\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%26lt;somerando... , where %26lt;username%26gt; is obviously your user name an %26lt;somerandomstring%26gt; is the random string Firefox creates when building a new profile) with the files inside, and it should work.

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