Sunday, November 29, 2009

How can I remove the "windows internet explorer provided by Yahoo!" text in the title pane

I installed IE7 provided by Yahoo and later uninstalled it, as I didn't find it useful. But my IE still shows "provided by Yahoo!" text in the title pane which I want to remove, as I am now using just a normal IE. I've tried a lot in last two months, but I can't remove that text. How can I do that?

How can I remove the "windows internet explorer provided by Yahoo!" text in the title pane of my IE?microsoft internet explorer

I don`t have that. I went to Microsoft and did theirs. Its gone now.

How can I remove the "windows internet explorer provided by Yahoo!" text in the title pane of my IE?microsoft downloads internet explorer

yes u can,...

u can remove it at control panel - add and remove program,..

or u can un install and install again your IE, but u shuld delete the ie folder from Program files
You can manually customize the window title by editing the registry, see this article:

Can't have 2 (or more) different yahoo mailbox open with Firefox browser. With IE, one can have

I've read some previous comments that it could be IP related but I am certain that it is not. The IE browser each has its own 'kernel' and therefore can open multiple browsers with individual yahoo mail ids.

I haven't been able to get the Firefox browser to do this, or rather haven't found a way to make each browser be independant...

Can't have 2 (or more) different yahoo mailbox open with Firefox browser. With IE, one can have more than 1 mawindows xp service

I receive all my mail through yahoo mailbox and I have 2 other accounts that are sent to my yahoo address. Each of these other addresses have different id's.

As far a being independent, I can actually go into each account separately and view mail that way if I choose.

Hope this helps.

Why wont my myspace comments work on IE but they do in firefox?

Why wont my myspace comments work on IE but they do in firefox?microsoft net framework

Because firefox is much better than IE?

Why wont my myspace comments work on IE but they do in firefox?windows xp themes internet explorer

because IE is slowwwww. that's why i switched to FF.

How can I make Firefox look like IE?

I found a guide at but some of the links are down. I've been unable to find another guide.

How can I make Firefox look like IE?windows firewall

why would you want to?

go to the main page of the sites with the down pages and see if they moved the pages to another part of the site. you can email them and ask them to email you the info as well

How can I make Firefox look like IE?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

Simply download the profile mentioned at the end of the page. Replace your profile (the default Windows XP path is C:\Documents and Setting\%26lt;username%26gt;\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%26lt;somerando... , where %26lt;username%26gt; is obviously your user name an %26lt;somerandomstring%26gt; is the random string Firefox creates when building a new profile) with the files inside, and it should work.

Giardia treatment: Best choice for intestinal problem ie IBS, Crohns, and others... ?

Intestinal problems ? Labelled with IBS, or Crohns ?

Did you know that many tests for bacterial infections are not 100% accurate, in fact giardia requires some 3-6 negative tests to prove you don't have it. Most doctors believe one is sufficient.

Research into herbal treatments for giardia, and related symptoms, has shown several ancient herbal treatments.

Which ones do you believe or have tried to be the best ?



Green Black Walnut Hulls

Grapefruit Seed Extract

Oregano Oil

Something else ?

Simple Herbal Treatments !

Giardia treatment: Best choice for intestinal problem ie IBS, Crohns, and others... ?windows 98


Well I use a probiotic which is Acidophilus, I choose bland foods, I tend to eat less fiber when I have a flair up. I take grape seed extract2 X day, Fish oil caps, and I always carry with me different forms of peppermint as peppermints help with the cramping.

Be safe and be well

How can I open files in in my own web directory's _private folder? IE 7 keeps saying I don'

I have been getting around this by downloading all of the website directory's files from the remote web site to my Frontpage directory, but I'm afraid this round about approach could cause some problems. Also I would like to be able to open files in my own _private folder while I am viewing the website online. How can I get the "permission" that IE 7 says I don't have?

How can I open files in in my own web directory's _private folder? IE 7 keeps saying I don't have permissionwindows xp home

It really depends on which web site your trying to access and who your host is.

If you need permission and you're using a address, you can still use: to login and get permission. Please note that this really isn't a secure way to get access as the username and password are sent in plain text. Use a ftp program instead.

If you've got a http interface to your files, then you'll have to talk to your hosting provider

Iam using Opera Browser and I cant change the size and color of fonts lIke we do in IE.How can I do

In IE we can change size and color of Fonts but this option is not available in Opera. I have tried my best but could not find these options. Please if any body knows advise me.In IE there are a lot of other options also, like grammer check,and speling check but I could not find these in Opera.

Iam using Opera Browser and I cant change the size and color of fonts lIke we do in IE.How can I do it?

i don't know

How do I stop the uneasy transitions when I scroll up and down on IE and Firefox?

I just gave my computer a system restore, and whenever I scroll up or down on my IE/Firefox, it has a very "un-smooth" transitions. How can I fix this?

How do I stop the uneasy transitions when I scroll up and down on IE and Firefox?microsoft maps

I had the same problem, so instead I just started everything again with the reboot. and all the bad things went away.

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?

The website in question is : . Please compare how it looks under FireFox/Mozilla Core and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Thanks in advance!

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?windows nt

It's not any of those... In fact there are two main web browser IE and netscape, others are mainly extension of those two.

Unfortunatly there was a kind of war between those softwares and they disagreed on several points of rendering makinf a web page not displayed the same on both browsers... It's just a different interpretation of the same thing... Your code is not really in cause here but nor IE... It's just a annoying problem of internet web browser...

My web page renders correctly under Safari and FireFox, but not in IE. Is it my code or a bug in IE?windows 95 internet explorer

that's a pretty tough question for me to answer because i only have IE...

but if someone you know works with computers, or someone you know knows someone that works with computers, have them talk to you...and let them figure it out from there...
If you use Mac, I think Macs recently quit supporting IE. FireFox works fine for most things for me.
yes Firefox is good, as 'sanstheism' said but u have to work on it to render in IE , because most of the people around the world still using IE.

i can tell u onething, if u r using any web designing software like dreamweaver ( personally it has worked for me) tell us which application r u using it? try to work on (target) to render in IE from the beginning (scripts)itself , if its wokin with IE then its should work with other browsers.

and u may have to update the IE the latest version (6), ofcourse u can upgrade for free.
If you just currently experience this problem, that is maybe because MAC or Apple have stop updating Internet Explorer on a MAc system. So its better to start to use SAFARI / Mozilla browser from now on.

Have any of the heavy hitting physicists (ie.Dr. MC Hawkins) looked at the "Hiem star drive&quo

Links to the paper and information:

New Scientist Article:

Paper: "Heim Quantum Theory for Space Propulsion Physics"

Burkhard Heim Biography:

I look on this with hope, but I don't know if it really has merrit.

Have any of the heavy hitting physicists (ie.Dr. MC Hawkins) looked at the "Hiem star drive" paper?microsoft flight simulator

I think he has more sense.

There are a lot of loonies out there.

Have any of the heavy hitting physicists (ie.Dr. MC Hawkins) looked at the "Hiem star drive" paper?windows 2000 internet explorer

Hawkins is a writer, not a physicist :)

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being

This is a problem that, literally, happened overnight. Yesterday we were able to access the internet through Firefox or IE but today neither will see the connection without being signed into AOL first. Yahoo Messenger and AIM can see the connection just fine. Does anyone out there know what happened and how I can fix it. We are running a Dell Latitute C610 with Windows XP Service Pack 2.

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being on AOL.?microsoft sql server

How do you connect to the internet? Thru AOL, then start AOL and then after it is up and running start IE or Firefox. If thru a different provider, change the settings in IE and Firefox.

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being on AOL.?windows themes internet explorer

IE and Firefox are browsers, so you need the ISP connection.

It sounds like you need to check the

Start%26gt;Connect To%26gt;

settings on your pc. the wireless needs to be on automatic. If you connect up and then go to the AOL (I assume is your service provider) page and have a live chat with tech support, they will help sort it out for you. My ISP starts in the background and I use FF for everything.

Alternatively, try a restore to yesterday's settings, see if that clears it up.

Some javascript windows won't pop up for me when asked to -- w/MS IE?

MS IE v6.0.2900etc.

Allowing pop-ups temporarily doesn't help.

Any idea?

Some javascript windows won't pop up for me when asked to -- w/MS IE?microsoft downloads

Some java is just completely blocked, as the script could be a variation, or similar to a malicious, or annoyance script.

Revise your post with a URL of an example for better, more specific help.

How can i make firefox remember videos from places like youtube the way that IE does?

I want firefox to be able to remember videos and other stuff ive watched on sites like youtube.

eg. if i watch a video on youtube in IE then close that window, if i want to watch the same video again all i have to do is go to its page and its already there from the last time i watched it. but when i do the same thing in firefox after closing and opening it again i have to load the whole video again.

is there a way to make firefox remember the videos?

How can i make firefox remember videos from places like youtube the way that IE does?microsoft xp

firefox %26gt;options %26gt;privacy tab %26gt; tick cookies and select until expire in the drop down

only guess work here add to your question, i check again

How can i make firefox remember videos from places like youtube the way that IE does?download windows xp internet explorer

add it to the favorite
dangerous... that's the problem with IE6/7,, your not deleting the history and cookies.. with Fire fox you may have set it up to delete history. cookies. and private data..

if you want to save web site then save it in bookmarks that's what it is for

Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?

Are there some settings in Mozilla firefox or IE that would permit me to go back one page?

Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?default browser

They do this as a security feature for you. Lets say you walk away from your web browser, while on a banking website or maybe you hit the log out button, but leave the page still sitting there. Anyone can come along and hit the back button and see sensitive info.

The way they make the page not available is they add a tag to the html code, that prevents the page to be cached. All webpages are cached in your Temporary Internet Folders, but if one adds the correct tag to the page, then it forces it to not cache. That is why it does not appear when you hit the back arrow.

This is the html code that stops that:

%26lt;META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"%26gt;

and it goes between the %26lt;head and %26lt;/head%26gt; tags like this:

%26lt;html%26gt;%26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;title%26gt;Welcome to my Non-Cached Page%26lt;/title%26gt;

%26lt;META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"%26gt;



Hi there



If you're writing .jsp or .asp pages, then you can add this to the top of the page to accomplish the same thing:

%26lt;%response.cachecontrol = "no-cache"

response.addheader "pragma", "no-cache"

response.expires = -1


Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?microsoft word download internet explorer

This is not a setting in the browser. The sites that you are referring to are highly secure sites. Therefore, they normally set their sites up to where you can't use your back or forward buttons as an added security measure.
Most of those blocks are security procedures set in place by the sites. I don't have anyway of breaking through their blocks and that's a good thing.
Nothing to do with browser.U need to click back and click refresh
My bank doesn't allow using the back button in your browser. Also, if I double click on anything it will make me start over at log in. If I accidentally type in the wrong password, I get a letter in the mail telling me someone tried to access my account and I have to call the bank to verify it was me. SECURITY.

I want a job but i do not carry any certificate but i have experience in veneer slice ie timber ie w

im experienced in timber ]ie sliced veneer n other timber stuffs

I want a job but i do not carry any certificate but i have experience in veneer slice ie timber ie wood industwindows xp themes

Without knowing where at all you're located, there are likely major Wood products manufacturers in many major World Centers.

Here in the U.S. Certainly there are corporations that have mills and production plants, that use machinery designed specific to creating veneer, from various Tree species, or that fabricate Plywood, etc.

I often suggest this and wonder who might try it before coming to a Q%26amp;A site such as Yahoo. WWW. with that access, a browser box, some keywords, even in a general search, there may be dozens, hundreds, thousands? of sites and links directing you to what you're looking for.

Steven Wolf

just my two "sense"

EXAMPLE: This link took all of a keystroke and 3 words;...

I want a job but i do not carry any certificate but i have experience in veneer slice ie timber ie wood industdownload windows media player internet explorer

I'm not sure if you need certificates to work in those trades,unless you are going to contract.

Do you think according to the identity theory we will accurately link brain states ie.thought to phy

states ie.biological and thus define the nature of thought eliminating the idea of a soul?

Do you think according to the identity theory we will accurately link brain states ie.thought to physiologicalmicrosoft frontpage

This is the classical philosophical quandary; we want it to be true that 'if only we knew enough about the laws of cause and effect we could predict the future' but since that knowledge is impossible it will remain a theory.

My argument to this is that the diversity of precise physiology is so infinite that even if you could describe it doesn't mean that there would be enough of a consistent model to predict anything meaningful. The consequence is that you are left with more anthropology, not a predictive science that could prove humans mere meat machines.

Philosophy is fun but is much too reductive.

Do you think according to the identity theory we will accurately link brain states ie.thought to physiologicalwindows vista home premium internet explorer

Answer: do good works. Help people. Be compassionate and selfless. Accrue good karma. Die. Reincarnate as someone with a higher IQ. Then, you can do your own homework.
Simplify your question. This is YahooAnswers you're posting to, not mensa.
Identity theory?

Please read:
Why would this eliminate the idea of a soul? Imo the soul is experiencing the physical and actually has some influence on the physical. How the thought and emotional system circulates through the body is just now really being discovered. How all this affects how our energy influences and is influenced neurologically and then physiologically has little to do with the "nonphysical" soul's existence and their relationship. The referred book below does a much better job than I can here in one paragraph.

Are child support payments that I MAKE taken from GROSS wages or NET wages? IE: Is is taxed?

I am having child support taken from my wages each 2 weeks, but my employer is deducting my payments from my NET wages, not my GROSS wages, ie, I am paying taxes on my payments. I know that payments are NOT normally tax deductible, but are they still taxed or not?

Are child support payments that I MAKE taken from GROSS wages or NET wages? IE: Is is taxed?microsoft support

it is a pre tax it comes from your gross income! Speak to your manager or owner and see if they will fix it! They are costing you a lot of money!

Are child support payments that I MAKE taken from GROSS wages or NET wages? IE: Is is taxed?windows live mail internet explorer

You don't get a tax break for child support so your employer is doing it the right way. It comes off after the taxes are deducted.
Nope, not taxable to recipient and not deductible to you. Of course you're paying taxes on your wages, and then your child support is deducted. Whether you're a divorced father, happily married, or a deadbeat dad, it comes from your net wages. Be glad it is from net not gross, as they'd take a larger chunk out, decreasing your take-home, but increasing the pittance you pay for your child.

I need help coming up with names for girls ending in Y, I, or IE?

I have 2 daughters already and both their names end in the "Y" sound. I would like to continue the tradition.

I already came up with a boy's name that I love but, I am having a hard time with a girl's name.

To clear up any misunderstandings, I would like names for girls ending in the "Y" "I" or "IE" sound. Examples are: Holly, Lori, Melanie.

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

I need help coming up with names for girls ending in Y, I, or IE?microsoft visual studio





Mali {Mar-li}


Kali {Kal-i}

















I need help coming up with names for girls ending in Y, I, or IE?ie internet explorer

Sheri, Teri, Mary, Katy, Toni, Wow this is actually hard.. Thats all I can think of...






Lori, Merilee, Kerry, Kelsey
Haley, Brittany, Kaleigh.... ha.... surie? JK

Go online - google baby names :) I did it and it's wonderful.
Leilani, Bethany, Brittany, Tori, Sallie, Remy

Kailee, Hayley, Bailey, Debbie, Riley, umm...Mary, lol...I don't even like some of these but that's all I can think of this late at night!
How about Katie, Lanie, Melody, Kylie, Carly, Kennedy, or Janie. I love names that end in IE. =)













Kimberly, Terry, Shelly, Kari, Kelsey, Stacy
Sophie, Sylvie, Emily
Kerie, Rosie, Maggie, Dani,.... all of my birds have names that end in an ie sound!



















Kaylee, Bailey, Shelby






Brittany, Haley, Kiley, Mandi, Lilly, Terri, Sophie.
Marnie, Penny, Jodi, Natalie, Bethany, Libby, Jamie, Stephanie, Amy, Angie, Cathy, Sally, Stacey, Nikki, Penelope, Sophie, Lottie, Joanie, Katie, Franny, Betty, Kylie, Kellie, Nellie, Lanie, Christie, Bobbi, Becky, Lexi, Gypsi, Urlie, Hettie, Gracey, Danni, Toni, Bonny, Connie, Lucy.

Just to name a few!

my name is kelly
if your looking for a unique name: demetrie is nice. or bethany, fidelity, evy, hallie, elly(that's pretty). try looking in a baby book or something that will help. but any ways hope i helped. God Bless and good luck! :) or lacey! or lainey too!















Vicky, Terry, Sandy, Julie, Jamie, Linnie, Amy, Elly, Emily, Kerry, Cassie, Lindsay, Romy, Nancy, Tansy, Rosie, Gracie, Nelly, Chloe, Zoe, Molly, Polly, Sally, Mary, Tracy, Stacey, Casey, Chelsea, Macy, Maisie, Daisy, Poppy, Penny, Emmy, Jennie, Josie, Judy, Kelly, Kelsey, Carly, Lindy, Debby, Jessie.......




Arie (AH-ree)




























thats all i can rtthink of hope i helped... keep us informed on what u picked... we all may have been of more help had u told us what ur other dughters names are.
Ashley Britney Courtney Daphne Emily Felicity Gabbey Hailey Ivory Jessie Kasey Lillie Mary Natalie Penelope Rosalie Stephenie Tiffany Valerie Wendy
I've always loved the names Cassidy and Kenadie.
My oldest daughter's name is Kaylie..

What do i fill in as an incoming server in microsoft outlook express,when i have a email ad

i'm just setting up my outlook express account and i need to fill in the incoming server name, and since i have a email address already i want to keep it so what exactly do i fill e.g ( dont really know?

What do i fill in as an incoming server in microsoft outlook express,when i have a email address?windows registry

I am on wireless adsl in the UK %26amp; do NOT have the upgrade Yahoo Plus Mail but I have set it up for Yahoo to work via Outlook Express.

The procedure I followed is as below.

Download, install %26amp; run a small free program called YPOPS! version from

or from

To add your Yahoo email address to Outlook Express do as follows:

Open up Outlook Express-%26gt;tools-%26gt;Accounts-%26gt;Mail Tab-%26gt;click Add button on the right %26amp; choose Mail.

1st page enter any name you would like to be known as. Click NEXT

2nd page. Put a spot in the top option %26amp; enter your existing yahoo email address. E.G it is) Click NEXT.

3rd page. Check that My incoming server is a POP3. In the box for Incoming mail POP IMAP or HTTP server, just put

In the box for Outgoing Mail smtp server put the same ie (yes! all you need to put for both is Click NEXT.

On this page put the first part of your yahoo email address, eg if it is, then just put joeblogs.

In next box put in your password %26amp; tick remember password. Click FINISH.

Go back into Outlook Express-%26gt;tools-%26gt;accounts-%26gt;mail tab %26amp; double click on the mail account called

Under General tab make sure there is a tick by include this account when receiving mail or synchronising.

Under Servers tab make sure that nothing is ticked except remember password.

Under Connection tab put a tick in the box next to Always connect to this account using %26amp; if you are wireless then choose Local Area Network.

Under Advanced tab, the outgoing mail is port 25 %26amp; incoming mail is port 110

look for server timeouts %26amp; move the slider bar to the right to full ie 5 minutes.

Do not put in ticks anywhere under this advanced tab except Where it says leave a copy of message on server place a tick.

Click apply %26amp; OK

To alter the name of the account in Outlook Express from to a name you prefer, open Outlook Express-%26gt;Tools-%26gt;Accounts

Highlight the account name click on properties button on the right %26amp; under the heading Mail Account where it says rename it to your chosen name.

Hope this helps...good luck

What do i fill in as an incoming server in microsoft outlook express,when i have a email address?ie 6 internet explorer

You will have a pop server pop3 try that.
yahoo incomming server is as follows:

outgoing server is:

if you have dsl it is as follows: (incomming) (outgoing)

Unless you're a yahoo mail plus subscriber, you cannot

access your mail from Outlook through the POP3 server.

My asnwer from:

- Void
you will thank me for this peice of gold

I was messing around on the computer and put down firefox as well as IE what do you think I also got

was on the computer and I put down IE as well as fire fox I have gmail also what do you think it is a lot of stuff but it is fun what do you think well it hurt my computer or what I have alot of stuff but I think it is better then it was

I was messing around on the computer and put down firefox as well as IE what do you think I also got gmail?windows 95

Uhm, try better grammar. It took me a while to find out what you were talking about. Were you just putting down all your thoughts in at the same time? Anyways, it might hurt your computer's memory, but other than that, I don't think so. It might make your computer a bit slow, but you have all the benefits. Gmail is an email account. Not a program or browser like IE and Firefox.

I was messing around on the computer and put down firefox as well as IE what do you think I also got gmail?download ie internet explorer

Firefox is fastest and safest, there are also many free upgrades for it weekly.

Why doesnt my pc controller act like my gaming one with gta san andreas? ie. one analog stick wont w

the right thumbstick on my pc gaming controller uses the same buttons on the button part, ie. triangle = up on second d pad and so on, therefore i cant control viewing of the player in san andreas, its bloody annoying, the second analog controls the whole button pad (triangle, square, circle and x), please help

Why doesnt my pc controller act like my gaming one with gta san andreas? ie. one analog stick wont work?windows 2000

go to the controls settings

and change the bloody settings .....................

if u can


How to restore adress bar function in IE 6?

I used to b able to just enter a name eg yahoo, then hit ctrl+enter and it would auto add the http://www. in front and .com at the back. When i do that now it just goes to msn search page. Very irritating. Anybody knows how to get that function back?

How to restore adress bar function in IE 6?windows themes

Go to Tools then Internet Options and then in the Advanced tab. Under Browsing, check the inline AutoComplete box

Restart browser.

Normally resetting the default settings would fix it, but sometimes IE doesnt like that. You will have to check that box for inline Autocomplete and it should fix the problem.

I am not able to delete the secure32.html which occurs whenever i open IE.?

This executes whenever i open IE .It says somebody has hacked and stolen all the information from Temporary Internet files .I would like to know what is happening exactly and how to get rid of it.Pls tell me about spybot.warm as my PC is infected by all these.

I am not able to delete the secure32.html which occurs whenever i open IE.?microsoft word 2003

go to start menu,then settings,inthat click add and remove on source32.html and click delete

I am not able to delete the secure32.html which occurs whenever i open IE.?internet explorer 6 internet explorer

Run Msconfig.exe, go to startup, remove anything that is spam/virus's... Run an anti-spam %26amp; anti-virus program and clean or remove it all.

If a child rapist is your prophet, what does that say about your 'religion' (ie cult)?

If a child rapist is your prophet, what does that say about your 'religion' (ie cult)?

If a child rapist is your prophet, what does that say about your 'religion' (ie cult)?download windows xp

Did Michael Jackson open a church?

If a child rapist is your prophet, what does that say about your 'religion' (ie cult)?ies internet explorer

thats only possible in non-islamic religions!
all religions are cults.
I'd say get a new prophet or religion - preferably not a "cult" of ANY kind.
That its really screwed up. please stay away from my family. Hell, stay away from the US.

thank-you and goodbye
aahh, a child rapist cant be a prophet, oh God, wat an amazing and huh question!!
You are spreading false doctrine. Mohammad raped no one.
I assume you're speaking of Mohammed and his underage affairs. Well, I'm afraid Jacob from the Old Testament isn't much better. Rachel was 12 I believe. Girls were married off at very young ages back then. Heck, even Brigham Young is accused of it.
everybody moonwalks??
I would assume you are talking about Mr. Jeffreys of the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints?

I would say like most false prophets that he conned a lot of people into believing he was a prophet, but he wasn't. And there will be a lot of pain and injury to those children that will need to be attended to. Those children will need love and compassion and they will need the healing and the peace that only God can provide.

The whole world will have the wool pulled over their eyes by the man who will be the main source of the peace treaty with Israel. As soon as that contract is negotiated and signed, you will know another false prophet---and he will be from Satan, as well. I pray that it won't take the rape of more children before we see the most horrific and most deadly false prophet ever---because he will have the indwelling of the Evil Spirit from Satan himself.
I apologize for my ignorance, but whom are you talking about?

A child rapist should not be considered a prophet. What so called prophet was a child rapist and how do you know he was?

Who else thinks Microsoft needs to fix IE 7 so the Tamil letters?

in the title of the TAMIL MURASU Singapore newspaper:

appears in the "Favorites" list with Tamil letters? Currently it is showing as : "___"

Who else thinks Microsoft needs to fix IE 7 so the Tamil letters?microsoft word download

I don't find any difficulty in viewing that page. It is a Unicode (UTF-8) document which is perfectly viewable format in IE. Since IE7 is in Beta testing, there might be some discrepancy in viewable fonts. I can see it very well in IE6.

Who else thinks Microsoft needs to fix IE 7 so the Tamil letters?internet explorer download internet explorer

lord knows i do...

Ouch, isnt she laying into the dead (ie Heath Ledger) but in a way I think she has a point?

Here is the link (click Answer this question, then click the link on that page to visit it).,23599,231...

Here is the snippet from it.


A US newspaper columnist has sparked controversy by describing Heath Ledger as "reckless and greedy" and "selfish".

Andrea Peyser, in her column in today's New York Post, wrote she was disgusted the 28-year-old Australian actor chose to "self-destruct" with prescription drugs. "

""There is nothing noble or beautiful about the so-called accidental death of Heath Ledger, a man with everything to live for - a beautiful daughter, a blossoming career, and a Victoria's Secret catalogue-full of willing babes," she wrote.

"He threw it away, as gamely as if he had put a gun to his mouth and pulled the trigger.

"He was reckless and greedy.

"He was fundamentally selfish. "

""Cry for Heath's daughter," she said.

"Cry for his parents. Cry for Michelle Williams.

"But don't cry for Heath."

Ouch, isnt she laying into the dead (ie Heath Ledger) but in a way I think she has a point?download windows media player

She had obviously been politely turned down when she offered herself to him - in favour of said victorias secret models.

Bitter old moo!

EDIT: Having seen the report on the cause of death though - I don't think it was intentional abuse. The probe into how he got them all is well needed - all of those drugs were prescribed by doctors, who should have know better than to give him that many, that would have that effect when mixed.

As someone with pharmaceutical knowledge it truly baffles me - why would any doctor prescibe tempazepam to someone already gettin diazepam?!!! Madness!!!

Ouch, isnt she laying into the dead (ie Heath Ledger) but in a way I think she has a point?internet explorer update internet explorer

What an evil woman, where is her compassion.
Alot of celebrities are self indulgent self absorbed people..
So what he had everything, we all know that does not always bring happiness.I suggest she gets her head out of her *** and live in the real world.If i was his family i would slap a lawsuit on her.Edit then you dont know much do you, cause they can sue for themselfs, get your head out of the clouds you anit above everyone else. And so,s your'e mum.
nasty woman - did he not fancy her?
I think she's got a point

hooked on prescription drugs, and for what?

It's not as though he lead a stressful life

All these bloody celebrities think they have it so tough, they think they have a right for us to all feel sorry for them when they feel a tad stressed out

They wouldn't know what hard work was if it came up and headbutted them

They only person that's going to suffer is his poor daughter

Tell me about it!!

I think I need a drink
A case of a nasty journalist trying to use a controversial viewpoint in order to sell newspapers.

A lack of empathy for such a tragic story. Whether he killed himself on purpose or whether it was accidental....there is no need for this kind of sick "journalism".
Well, she still could be a little bit compassionate as someone who hadn't really done anything wrong to society (eg, killed anyone) has died in a tragic way because maybe, just maybe, he didn't know that several *insert long words for ingredients to drugs* were lethal when mixed.
What a cruel witch......that was uncalled for as far as I'm concerned.
Yes she sums it up well

He does appear to have been very reckless and rather selfish.

People with responsibilities , such as Children , should really lay off the drugs and booze.

I agree with the columnist, as hard hitting as it comes across. The people left behind are the ones who suffer.
verdict= accidental. I'm sure the last thing his loved ones want to hear is that, if people can't sat anything nice they shouldn't say anything at all. coroners report says that not enough of one prescription drug killed him but by using two lots concurrently caused an overdose, in my mind they should take this up with the prescribing dr(s), they must of been aware of the risk of mixing the two drugs, yet they still gave them to him. Anyway if it was a binman from croydon the news reel would read very differently.... in a tragic accident a local binman died of an overdose of prescription drugs, it is reported that a mixture of two prescriptions running concurrently caused the overdose thought neither one would of proven fatal on it's own, he leaves behind a wife and daughter, in other news... now i wonder if Andrea Peyser would say the same about him?? Xx
Who cares what this nobody thinks?

She seems quite spiteful for no reason. I pity her.
I have no sympathy for anyone who loses their lives as a result of drug abuse.

These are grown adults we are talking about here, old enough to know better. If they cannot treat their own life with respect, then how will they do the same for others?

It may be a bit harsh but drugs are a scourge on society and the less users around the better to fuel the criminal underworld that goes with it.

I feel sorry for the people left behind, but anyone messing with drugs takes the risks themselves, no one forces them.
Well now she has had her 15 minutes of fame...
He was only human and the pressure got too much. No one should judge, Let the poor man rest in peace
i find it totally unnecessary and in bad taste to slag people off when they're dead and they can't answer back. would she have been so brave to slag him publically for his drug use if he was still alive? i doubt it.
Dave, where is your compassion??

This is a private matter between him and his unfortunate family.

What makes you think its any of your business. This isn't the only 'question' you've posed on this site concerning Heath's tragic death,

yes, tragic, anyone who takes their own life is to be pitied, not picked over like you are doing, your no better than a vulture

At a wild guess I would think he was suffering from depression, he wasn't thinking logically, OK so he had the world at his feet.

That's an outside viewpoint, obviously not his. that's what depression does to a person.

You are smug and self righteous now but I just hope you are never in a similar situation.

Why is my laptop connected to the wireless butI am unable to use the IE or any messenger?

I recently bought a Compaq Laptop (Vista) and tried to get it to connect to the wireless. It did, but i am unable to use any internet browser. It just says "IE cannot display the webpage". Also, i cannot sign into my MSN messenger (i installed it when i LAN my laptop)

I have 2 laptops and one PC connected to the wireless and they work fine. All 3 are working on Windows XP. This is my first Vista and i am pretty new to the program. Anyone able to help me?

Why is my laptop connected to the wireless butI am unable to use the IE or any messenger?windows vista home premium

You are not really connected to your WAN on your Vista (may not have acquired an IP, or has limited connectivity). Try rebooting your WAN connection (modem, router, etc).

Also, mixed WinXp and Vista OS works better with WPA versus WEP.

Make sure your router settings match with both the Vista computer and your other computers.

Try setting up your WAN from scratch if all solutions fail. Log in through the router setup interface and make sure it matches the settings set by Windows for you WAN on all wireless computers.


getting rid of vista: not an option for some of us. I did buy a gateway after all my custom/assembled PC started dying out part by part. It came with vista, I tried to roll back to XP. I ran into a lot of issues (some of the drivers available for some hardware were vista-only). Finally gave up and reinstalled Vista, very upset about it, hate this thing. :) getting to love the silly gadgets though.

Why is my laptop connected to the wireless butI am unable to use the IE or any messenger?ie tab internet explorer

Disconnect your connection, then reconnect.

That is sort of odd that it won't work. :/

If your connection says "Limited Connection", then you're not going to get access to the net. Like I said, disconnect and reconnect. Its all I can think of.
Check the connection settings and see if you're set up to do DNS through the router. Also make sure it's set for DHCP (should be by default) if that's what you use on the rest. The gateway should be set to the router or use the default.

Best thing is to take another machine that works, find the network connection info, and compare the two to see if anything is different.

Finally, as a test, turn off your firewall. If it works, then turn it back on and see what you need to allow the Internet to pass through. I doubt this is it, because Vista wouldn't sell very well if no one could use the Internet right away.
You need to call tech support for the wireless. My mother had one for an old dinosaur computer in the guest room. It worked fine.She has only had it about 1 yr. I brought her an upgraded used puter that was much better than the old one and the wireless would not connect to the internet even though it showed it was working properly. It turned out that the wireless was too old for the newer computer so the company linksys is sending her a newer one. This maybe your problem or your wireless is not set up for vista.
Get rid of Vista and go back to XP.

Why is my ip address different between IE, and AOL in the same internet session?

just checked my ip address with, on both AOL and MSIE while connected via DSL and a linksys router. MSIE had the same address as my routers public address... 69.3..., and AOL has 207.200... any ideas why?

Why is my ip address different between IE, and AOL in the same internet session?

When you connect to AOL, all of your internet traffic goes through a proxy server, which is in many ways the same as your router, but it routes traffic for AOL. That proxy server reports its own IP to the sites you visit.

Why is my ip address different between IE, and AOL in the same internet session?uninstall internet explorer internet explorer

AOL prolly has a proxy somewhere between you and the Internet.

you can also learn your IP by right-clicking connection icon near the clock, and selecting properties.
AOL uses a proxy to handle requests on the Internet. Directly from AOL:

AOL Members' requests for internet objects are usually handled by the AOL Proxy system. When a member requests multiple documents for multiple URLs, each request may come from a different proxy server. Since one proxy server can have multiple members going to one site, webmasters should not make assumptions about the relationship between members and proxy servers when designing their web site.

This is why some routers and game consoles will not work with AOL dialup or broadband access.

How do i delete addresses from the ie bar?

ok so ive tried EVERYTHING. but when i go to say type in google, the little thing pops down and says

it's not there when you drop down the arrow just when you type in the first letter.

How do i delete addresses from the ie bar?ie

Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Delete Browsing History %26gt; Delete all.

If your not already using Firefox, I strongly recommend it. It's a much better and safer alternative to IE and you can set it up to clear the history each time you close the browser automatically. I also highly recommend CCleaner. CCleaner is free and removes all traces of your online activities.

How do i delete addresses from the ie bar?microsoft internet explorer

Tool %26gt; Internet options and on that page there's a button that says clear history.

I have a windows 6 pocket pc and wifi says connected to internet but IE wont lode anything?

i made sure that its connected to my router...and my router is pda says its connected to the router and i made the setting to connect to the internet but when i open IE it says it cant download the page...i cleared cache...i made sure everyting was good..and the router security is now off and it still dont was working b4 what could be the problem?

I have a windows 6 pocket pc and wifi says connected to internet but IE wont lode anything?ie 7

pls check that firewall %26amp; Define ip address for u r PDA

Does this code require a hack for IE?

This CSS works beautifully in Firefox but functions very strangely in Internet Explorer 7. Is there a hack that needs to be put into place for it to work right? Thanks.

Does this code require a hack for IE?ie 6

Here's a site with all the CSS bugs you may need to hack:

One problem with CSS code:

26 .thumbnail span Value Error : background-color lightyellow is not a color value : lightyellow

Be sure to use XHTML 1.0 document type or change html to reflect a Strict DOCTYPE.


Does this code require a hack for IE?windows vista internet explorer

Only in the loosest sense is it a "hack". IE and Firefox have slightly different object models and handle events differently. You will have browser specific code, which sucks.

Nice CSS, by the way.
IE is a horrible browser which doesn't follow international standards for html, css or ECMAscript. In order for this to work under IE, you have to buy a book on the microsoft versions of these things.
It works the same for me in both Firefox and IE7. What problem(s) are you seeing? Is there something else on your page that might be causing a conflict?

I keep getting adverts popping up on a seperate webpage when I am on IE?

I have McAfee 10 in 1 suite and I also have adware remvoal tool, pop up blocker and firewall. I have tried to block these adverts but they keep appearing. I do not what else to do as I think they have buried themselves somewhere in IE, please Help!!!!!!

I keep getting adverts popping up on a seperate webpage when I am on IE?download ie

You need to download Spybot, update definitions and scan in Safe Mode (explained below).

Your machine is infected. Pop-ups are mostly caused by adware, spyware, and other malicious and unwanted software and using pop-up blocker won't help an infected PC. No single program can detect and eradicate all spyware and I recommend using Ad-aware and Spybot (they are free). Other great free anti-spyware programs would be Super anti-spyware and AVG anti-spyware (formally Ewido).

Running these programs in Safe Mode (tap F8 as the computer boots up and choose to boot to safe mode) can be more effective.

If you do not have an updated anti-virus program always running, you need to get one. Install only one, but you can get AVG, Avast! or AntiVir for free.

I strongly recommend using FireFox, it's a far better and safer alternative to Internet Explorer. If you add-on McAfee SiteAdvisor, it will warn you of potentially harmful sites. I also recommend CCleaner which is a free system optimization and privacy tool.

I keep getting adverts popping up on a seperate webpage when I am on IE?windows media player internet explorer

I went here for help.

Click on forums %26gt; Malware Removal %26gt; Before you Post. Try running the free Kaspersky Online Scanner described in the second message. This will not fix your problem but it will point (a few) of them out. Save the listing.

You could then ask for help, which will take sometime or read a few of the problems other people are having and see if you can solve it yourself.

You will more than likely need HiJackThis also.

Another place to look for help is

Good luck
You can download a free version of SpyBot or Ad-Aware from . Run the scan and remove the infections.

You can also try switching to Firefox, it is a much better browser in my opinion. (also free)

Where can I buy engineering design pads? ie. the ones with space for project, date, designer name et

I'm happy to buy it online if I have to, but from Australia.

What I'm looking for is something like this:


Where can I buy engineering design pads? ie. the ones with space for project, date, designer name etc?internet explorer

Staples would be a good starting point.

Where can I buy engineering design pads? ie. the ones with space for project, date, designer name etc?microsoft office internet explorer

You can buy them from any good stationery store that can make bulk pads. We buy ours at 50 pads at a time with 50 sheets per pad.

I would recommend that your pads include light blue orthogonal grid lines that you can use when doing your calculations, but will not transfer when you make copies.

I would also recommend that you specify the kind of paper you want. I would recommend that the paper be erasable using HB lead as the pencil source. The ease of erasability will be directly proportional to the amount of what is called "rag" content.

Good luck.

How can I get Windows Media Player 11 to work on web browsers other than IE?

Right now I'm using the latest version of Opera and whenever I come to a webpage imbedded with a Windows Media Player file it will tell me to upgrade my version of WMP which would really be downgrading for me. If I take that same page and open it in IE the imbedded video will run just fine. Any help is appreciated!

How can I get Windows Media Player 11 to work on web browsers other than IE?internet explorer 7

You can't do more than verify the latest plugin supporting the specific file format has been installed. If you have the latest plugin installed, contact Opera and let them know what the problem is.

BTW - Technically speaking you're not really running the regular WMP in your browser, you just need a plugin installed in your browser that supports WindowsMedia9 -- The codec version is not in step with the Players that have been released.

How can i download embedded flash movies with IE?

Please help.

I would like to download and save to my hard drive a movie that is being played by an embedded flash player on a website.

It is using Flash Player 9.

I am using Windows XP SP2 and IE7.

When I right click on the movie the only option is "about Flash Player 9"

The sites URL which contains the movie ends in .html

I tried using however it only will give the original .html link back to the original site.

The site that the movie is on offers no links to download the movie. How can I find the URL of the movie itself and/or download the movie?

How can i download embedded flash movies with IE?ies

I don't know about IE, but you can do it using Firefox and the Download helper extension. You'll also need a flash video player.

How can i download embedded flash movies with IE?windows update internet explorer

Go to Temporary Internet files and scoop up the .swf or .flv file

flv = Flash Video file

Friday, November 27, 2009

Recently downloaded FIREFOX.I did not opt it as default browser i want to have IE as default browser

Recently downloaded FIREFOX.I did not opt it as default browser.

yet it pops up. I want to have IE as my default browser. How?

Recently downloaded FIREFOX.I did not opt it as default browser i want to have IE as default browserr How?internet explorer download

If your IE is not asking whether you want to make it your default browser than go to Tools/Internet Options from IE.

Select the Tab - Programs. Check the box in the end which give an option whether you want it to be your default browser. Apply and the next time you open, God willing, it will ask you to make it your default.

Recently downloaded FIREFOX.I did not opt it as default browser i want to have IE as default browserr How?windows xp internet explorer

open IE, it should as if you want to set it as default, if not go to the tools menu and select it there.
Firstly, open up an Internet Explorer.

Secondly, Click on View %26gt; Internet Options

Next, in Internet Options, click on the Programs tab

Lastly, enable this: Internet Explorer should check to see whether bla bla...

It should work. Gd luck =)
Start firefox. You'll be asked to make Firefox as default browser. Choose NO. Start IE, the same question will be asked. Choose YES

This should work
Go to Internet options %26gt; Programs and at the bottom of the screen tick field "Let IE check if it is default browser" (or something like that) After that, IE will check every day after startup whether it's default browser and if it's not anymore it will ask which browser do you want to be default.

How can I remove the bar in internet explorer which says: ' To help protect your security, IE h

I am browsing a local file in IE7 and everytime I open it a bar pops up and says: ' To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that coulkd access your computer. Click here for more options'.

What is the HTML code I can insert in the local html file so IE stops showing this warning?

How can I remove the bar in internet explorer which says: ' To help protect your security, IE has restriceted'internet explorer update

Right click and select always allow

How can I remove the bar in internet explorer which says: ' To help protect your security, IE has restriceted'web browser internet explorerAdd %26lt;!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet --%26gt; Report It

The best way is getting rid of it and using firefox. But you could also right click on it and click always allow. It will allow the archive you are triying to view forever, but only if it is in the same conditions as when you allowed it.

But there is no real script or html code to write in order to avoid that other than erasing the active x content you have on it.
Tools %26gt; Options %26gt; Security then lower your security level

I put a coding to rid the click to activate tool tip that for flashes on IE. But not everthing shows

I entered the coding %26lt;script type="text/javascript" src="fixit.js"%26gt;%26lt;/script%26gt; for my web page to get rid of the stupid gray box that shows up arround flashes on IE, but one of the flashes does'nt come up but randomly. Somtimes it works, and other it does'nt. what is wrong? Web address (it's the events button next to the home button)

I put a coding to rid the click to activate tool tip that for flashes on IE. But not everthing shows up.?ie tab


%26lt;object classid="CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4... width="600" height="400"


%26lt;param name="movie" value="bles.swf"%26gt;

%26lt;param name="quality" value="high"%26gt;

%26lt;param name="scale" value="exactfit"%26gt;

%26lt;param name="menu" value="true"%26gt;

%26lt;param name="bgcolor" value="#000040"%26gt;

%26lt;embed src="bles.swf" quality="high" scale="exactfit" menu="false"

bgcolor="#000000" width="600" height="400" swLiveConnect="false"





experiment with:

%26lt;param name="autostart" value="true" /%26gt;

%26lt;param name="loop" value="-1" /%26gt;

for IE


autostart="true" loop="true"

inside embed tag for Mozilla GRE using and older browsers

It is not totally standard compliant code but has good usability.

I use similar code for music on

thx for reading my post

p. s. on mouse over the code in the links will show.

p. p. s. Your page is MSIE only - use a html validator to fix.

Either online at the W3 page 1.) ( one of the guys suggested it for Your other question ).

Else use a local validator such as CSE HTML Validator Lite 2.).

Or the one used with pspad 3.) pspad also has other good tools.

There are many such free tools for webdesign 4.).

A free html editor that makes standart compliant HTML 4.01 5.).

I had to get on another pc to ask this. mine is immediately giving me an ie system error report &quo

have to close" message every time i access the internet. doesnt matter what url. that error message pops up, stops the page from downloading and then closes the window and i cant seem to figure out what to do. help!!! i have ie version 6

I had to get on another pc to ask this. mine is immediately giving me an ie system error report "i'm sorry weuninstall internet explorer

There is some information missing in this. Are you in a network environment? Behind a Firewall?

If yes, you need to ensure that your Network admin allows you to access internet.

If no, you might be running a virus, and should run a good antivirus software to check for that.

I had to get on another pc to ask this. mine is immediately giving me an ie system error report "i'm sorry internet explorer

Your browser has been hijacked and you need to get rid of the spy-ware or other Internet garbage that you have caught. If you don't have a security program installed, go get one ASAP and clean up your machine. Norton 360 is a good one. You can go to their site and have you machine scanned for free before you buy their product.

How to make Windows Live Messenger open the Incoming mail page in Firefox instead of IE (pls read de

When clicking on the "open Incoming Mail" button in Windows Live Messenger, it opens Internet Explorer. I'm trying to use Firefox, so I'd like it to be opened instead of IE.

I already made Firefox the default web browser, but it didn't change anything.

How to make Windows Live Messenger open the Incoming mail page in Firefox instead of IE (pls read deatils)?microsoft

Once you've changed the default browser to Firefox, restart the PC and try running Live Messenger again to see which window it opens in.


Try changing the browser settings in the Live Messenger set up.

When i run spybot i always get cookies associated with Fire Fox but none associated with IE. Whis is

I use the two browsers, though mostly FF. Does this mean IE.7 is free of cookies?

Also, If remove all the cookies, will this affect my browsing experience?

Lastly, are "double click" and "fast click" for eg. affiliates of FF or are they some third party parasites?

When i run spybot i always get cookies associated with Fire Fox but none associated with IE. Whis is that?ireland

IE is not free of cookies. If you use more FF it'll get more cookies for sure. Try using IE more and see if the same does happens.

If you remove cookies you won't be able to login at any web site such as yahoo answers, yahoo mail, orkut and many other sites that uses cookies to control if you logged in or not.

These cookies you mentioned are not affiliates of FF. Some of them can monitor where do you click so cleaning the cookies when closing your web browser is always a good choice to avoid problems.

I'm using Dreamweaver 8 to edit a website, and am having trouble with how the flash displays in

Whenever particular IE users go to the website, they're prompted to click to activate the flash graphics on the page, which leaves the site looking less than desireable on load for these IE users.

Is there a way for me to disable this prompt through code on the site, or through the object tag?

I'm using Dreamweaver 8 to edit a website, and am having trouble with how the flash displays in IE.?windows vista

This is an issue raised by a patent dispute between Eolas Technologies and Microsoft. There are several workarounds for it. This link should help you get started:

There are many other ways to do it. But this should help narrow your search down for more example source code out there.

I'm using Dreamweaver 8 to edit a website, and am having trouble with how the flash displays in IE.?windows defender internet explorer

No, that's the way that IE is stupidly programmed. Yet again, Microsoft fails at making things simple, easy. and more desirable.
Yeah, you should put a little link on it saying "Get Firefox!"

What plug-in would I need for Firefox to see the same animation as on IE (see below)?

I noticed the animation to the Haloween theme, in the upper left corner, on the Yahoo home page when using IE7. However, there is no animation when I go to this page using Firefox 2.0. I have Adobe flash on IE and I tried downloading it for Firefox but there was no change. The animation to the ad for the movie "Deja Vu" is the same on both browsers.

What plug-in would I need for Firefox to see the same animation as on IE (see below)?windows media player

Get IE Tab from

What plug-in would I need for Firefox to see the same animation as on IE (see below)?windows live messenger internet explorer

one thing for sure you will need to install the greasemonkey plugin to be able to see interactive content on dhtml sites like ie has that builtin

How do I remove and keep the Yahoo toolbar from re appearing uninvited on my IE Browser. It clutters

Have gone to (View) in IE Toolbars, unchecked Yahoo tool bar, it disapp[ears and then on the next call up of the browser REAPPEARS and the toolbar option is again rechecked. I even removed the toolbar from the program list via the control panel add-remove programs

How do I remove and keep the Yahoo toolbar from re appearing uninvited on my IE Browser. It clutters my screenmicrosoft office

dbl is right..... right-click the toolbar (windows flag) %26amp; uncheck it ^_^

How do I remove and keep the Yahoo toolbar from re appearing uninvited on my IE Browser. It clutters my screenopera browser internet explorer

it loves you
i was going to suggest add/remove programs hmmmm

did you try restarting your comp after add/remove
You need to uninstall the toolbar. By going to add remove programs and clicking on yahoo tool bar. Assuming you have windows.
You could right click on the toolbar and un-select it.

Has any1 been on accutane, if so what months did u c the best result(ie: 1,2,3 etc) n did ur face st

has any1 been on accutane, if so what months did u c the best result(ie: 1,2,3 etc) n did ur face stay clear?

what other products work good?

Has any1 been on accutane, if so what months did u c the best result(ie: 1,2,3 etc) n did ur face stay clear?microsoft word

Try this for acne:

Accutane-an antibiotic and Ziana- a new acne gel. See your dermotologist. Also wash face with cool or cold water, never hot. And never use scrubs or toners, they aggravate acne. Use a mild cleanser and mositurizer like Cetaphil.

I saw the best results in my second to third month of accutane:)

It did come back after some time, but I went on it again and its gone now. Everyone is different, some people said it never came back after the first time they went on it. Try teh Ziana to maintain yoru skin being clear, its a great acne gel, your skin doctor must perscribe it for you.

Best Wishes

How do I recover the internet explorer icon to my desktop? I had computer repaired & IE browser

I just switched to Verizon FIOS and I have to go through IE but I need to reinstall it before I remove my AT%26amp;T dsl browser/icon

How do I recover the internet explorer icon to my desktop? I had computer repaired %26amp; IE browser is missing.?windows live

If you have XP, right click desktop, choose properties., choose desktop tab, click on customize desktop button, then check at the top Internet Explorer, click ok, then apply (if you can and then ok). (My Computer, My Documents and My Network will be there as well for the checking)

How do I recover the internet explorer icon to my desktop? I had computer repaired %26amp; IE browser is missing.?windows media player 11 internet explorer

Try going to start (because it should be under your 'start' programs) right cick on IE..go to 'send to' then click desktop. There you go, your icon should be back on your desktop =). Hope I helped.
do u have xp or vista or what
Assuming that you're using XP, click Start, then click All Programs, and you should see an icon for Internet Explorer there. Right click it, and select "Send To -%26gt; Desktop (create shortcut)"
open start ...all programs ...right click ie icon and send to desktop

How can a US company do business with JAPAN using and internaional standard of law ie. CISG?

how can a US company do business with JAPAN using and internaional standard of law ie. CISG?

choice of forum clause in a contract?

have the products shipped to a near by CISG treaty abiding country such as south korea?

How can a US company do business with JAPAN using and internaional standard of law ie. CISG?windows update

Japan is not a signatory of the CISG. You'll need to contract under Japanese law.

Who is lord "KUBER"..and is it true that he has given loan to trupat balaji ie sri venkets

1)Also tel me where the temple of lord kubera is situated in tirupati, or Anywhere in india.

2)And where can i get photo of KUBER ie KUBER SWAMI?


Who is lord "KUBER"..and is it true that he has given loan to trupat balaji ie sri venketshvara?windows xp

Kubera (Sanskrit: ?????) (also Kuvera or Kuber) is the king of the Yakshas and the lord of wealth in Hindu mythology. He is also known as Dhanapati, the lord of riches. He is one of the Guardians of the directions, representing the Uttara-disha, meaning north of 4 directions in Sanskrit.

Kubera is also the son of Sage Vishrava (hence he is also called Vaisravana) and in this respect, he is also the elder brother of the Lord of Lanka, Ravana. The banks of river Narmada is described as the birth place of Yaksha king Kuvera (Vaisravana), where his father Visravas, who was a sage, lived. It is also a territory of Gandharvas. (Mahabharata: 3,89).

He is said to have performed austerities for a thousand years, in reward for which Brahma, the Creator, gave him immortality and made him god of wealth, guardian of all the treasures of the earth, the nidhi which he was to give out to whom they were destined.

When Brahma appointed him God of Riches, he gave him Lanka (Ceylon) as his capital, and presented him, according to the Mahabharata, with the vehicle pushpaka, which was of immense size and 鈥榤oved at the owner鈥檚 will at marvellous speed鈥? When Ravana captured Lanka, Kubera moved to his city of Alaka, in the Himalaya and established his Yaksha Kingdom there.

Kubera also credited money to Venkateshwara or Vishnu for his marriage with Padmavati. In remembrance of this, the reason devotees going to Tirupati donate money in Venkateshwara's Hundi so that he can pay back to Kubera. According to the Vishnupuran this process will go on till the end of Kali yuga.

Who is lord "KUBER"..and is it true that he has given loan to trupat balaji ie sri venketshvara?microsoft office 2007 internet explorer

Kuvera is the god of wealth and the treasurer of the heavenly planets, and is the richest of all the demigods. He is also called the god of the Yakshas (savage beings).

How can I script to have a link to a file prompt for download in IE? Same as 'save target as�

How can I script to have a link to a file prompt for download in IE? Same as 'save target as'.

How can I script to have a link to a file prompt for download in IE? Same as 'save target as'.?web browser

Upload you files to a server host (like - it's free!) then link to the address that they give you.

How to add an icon to custom menu item that i've added to the IE's standard context menu?

Like, when yahoo tool bar is installed, we can see icons in the left of it's menu items in the IE context menu. I'm trying to bring the same effect. If anyone familiar with this stuff, kindly help!!

How to add an icon to custom menu item that i've added to the IE's standard context menu?windows mobile


Hi can any one tell me how to attach certified program for auto install through ie with web page?

hi can any one tell me how to attach certified program for auto install through ie with web page?

How do I make a div with a border the same size in FireFox and IE?

%26lt;div style="width: 210px; background-color: #B5EDBC; border: 1px solid #489D65;"%26gt;

in FireFox the width is actually becoming 212px because the border is being added to the width. In IE its showing up as 210 pixels. How do I get it to be the same width in each?

I am using %26lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"%26gt;


How do I make a div with a border the same size in FireFox and IE?microsoft access

Try using the Strict DocType. Hopefully, that fixes the rendering discrepancies. Although, be warned that other issues may arise if there are problems in your markup.

How do I make a div with a border the same size in FireFox and IE?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

Actually the box should be the same width. This issue is with how you are measuring the width. If you are using JavaScript like elementRef.width or element.clientWidth, you will get different measures due to the different browsers and the rendering mode quirks of each browser.


It's Not How Getting Width, Print Screen %26amp; use Paint To Do This IE%26lt;2px From FireFox

We Know The compatabilty Issues Between Browser Can Be Done By Scripting...

So You Can Make A Script When Body Loads

if firefox


for (i=0;i%26lt;obj.length;i++)


Don't Know The Write Syntacs

Complete It ;)
Use the following doctype to switch IE to standards-compliant mode:

%26lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"

What i have learned when it comes to cross-browser-compatibility...


because different browser see units differently, pixels on the other hand are universal...

So a computer that has Firefox, Opera, IE, Netscape will see the same page at the same size, provided that the user does not change the resolution of the monitor for each browser.

What I'm trying to say is that if you use pixels and percentages what happens is that you insure that other browsers see what you intend them to see at the scale that you originally made.

I hope this helps

Dreamweaver Webdesign: How do you format words, images, tables, top banner to be the same with IE an

We're working on a website and it looks great in dreamweaver, but when we upload it to the server it looks so different and it looks very different in Internet Explorer but closer to normal in Firefox. I'm quite frustrated because we're working hard on this site and then when it's uploaded the words are pushed over a bit, the top banner isn't fitting to the table size as it shows in dreamweaver, some of the images are pushed over and not lined up properly as they are when working in dreamweaver (CSS isn't even showing up - maybe we have to set the tag to the "cell" rather than "any")

Do you have to "set" things somehow to not move or change at all from what you see in Dreamweaver to when it's viewed on IE or Firefox. I just don't understand why it's all over the place on the browsers.

Dreamweaver Webdesign: How do you format words, images, tables, top banner to be the same with IE and FireFox?microsoft outlook

Unfortunately, you have run into the bane of most web designers. Firefox tends to display, parse and interpret html pages differently than Internet Explorer and vice versa. Dreamweaver also could be causing some of the issues. My best advice is to publish locally and then preview locally through both Firefox and IE. You might also try using a third party web development kit as well so you can tweak some of the issues. There is some freeware out there like WYSIWYG Web Editor and a few others that are closer to "What You See Is What You Get". You can also code to the browser, but the KISS principle applies most of the time.

Dreamweaver Webdesign: How do you format words, images, tables, top banner to be the same with IE and FireFox?windows messenger internet explorer

Hi there... I have noticed the same problem with IE and Firefox... one thing is that if you have one table setting like this table/tr/td align=center .... then all of the tables and cells within will be centered as well... it means that you should be setting each cell to the alignment the way you want them... another detail may be the paragraph set... it looks different on each browser... if you set a text witnin a %26lt;p%26gt; kkk %26lt;/p%26gt;... in IE the table will look the same, while in FIREFOX, the table will expand... I would think that if it is a matter of placing stuff on the page... you should set each cell to the properties you would like to have and not let the mail or top table to rule...

Hope this helps you a little

Good luck

I have Windows Vista and cannot install yahoo photo mail..why is that when the I have the latest IE

Yahoo won't download this in the Windows Vista program citing that I need a newer IE version..However I have the newest Microsoft Windows and the newest IE what?

I have Windows Vista and cannot install yahoo photo mail..why is that when the I have the latest IE version?windows defender

Vista was released before it was ready for Prime Time.

There are many things that don't quite work very well wiith Vista just yet.

It might take a few months but I'm sure Microsoft will fix things soon.

As with every newly released Windows Operating System, you should always wait for the service pack to be released.

I have Windows Vista and cannot install yahoo photo mail..why is that when the I have the latest IE version?windows updates internet explorer

Sorry but you has begun to know the imperfections of your new boyfriend. Sometimes It's better to take our time to make some decisions which are very important in our lives. For sure, Windows Vista follows being a Beta Version, It will be being improved through time via Windows Update. Pretty but...

I have Windows XP. Is there a way you can set up each user account with different versions of IE?

Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2. I want to assign IE 7 optimized for Yahoo to my husband's XP user account and the regular version of IE 7 to my XP user account.

I have Windows XP. Is there a way you can set up each user account with different versions of IE?windows live messenger

Yes you can do this, when you install the software for Yahoo just make sure you say only me, and now anyone who uses this computer. That way it will only install on your account :) Good luck :)

I have Windows XP. Is there a way you can set up each user account with different versions of IE?microsoft money internet explorer

Internet explorer is very much an integrated part of windows and downgrade is a bit difficult i dont think you can do this easily. It can be done but its a bit difficult.

Why does the new page NOT support Opera? Do you think we would even consider using IE?

HELLOOO....... IE SUX!!!! Don't even have it on any of my boxes. Don't need Firefox (it's ok, but prefer Opera)

Guess we"ll be switching to Google

Why does the new page NOT support Opera? Do you think we would even consider using IE?opera browser

Why use Opera when 99% of the Internet is designed to support IE? Even Google is going to be sprucing up their landing page soon.

Why does the new page NOT support Opera? Do you think we would even consider using IE?microsoft windows internet explorerThe fact that most of the Internet supports IE does not make it a good thing. If we had all stuck to IE our browser functionality would have been stuck for ever at IE6. I use Opera (definitely the most innovative browser) with Flock for my second choice. Report It

I am unable to attach a file to an e-mail since I tried Internet Explorer 7. I'm now back to IE

Attaching files was never a problem using IE 6 before I tried IE 7 bata 3. I have uninstalled IE 7 bata 3. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I am unable to attach a file to an e-mail since I tried Internet Explorer 7. I'm now back to IE 6. Suggestionswindows movie maker

Download Firefox from Mozilla. It works much better then Internet Explorer and is a lot safer. Sorry, I can't help you with the attachment issue. Thats t he problem with a beta.

What are some pretty and feminine names that do not end in -a, -ia, -y, or -ie ?

I don't like girls names to end in vowels. It's way too common, I think.


-a = Amanda, Miranda

-ia = Alexandria, Lydia

-y = Kelly, Abby

-ie = Kylie, Annie

Names that I do like:

Mercedes, Scarlett, Isabelle, Charlotte, Margot

Can you think of any more girl's names like these?

What are some pretty and feminine names that do not end in -a, -ia, -y, or -ie ?windows media player 11

LOL, I am also not a huge fan of names that end in vowels either.

I like the list you have going on. Scarlett is my number 1 at the moment. But, I also love Mercedes, Charlotte, Margaret, and Margot!

This is hard! I never realized how many names end in those letters you mentioned. Most end with "e", but they follow the same pattern of Isabelle. They don't have a vowel-sounding ending.


Bridget %26lt;3






Frances %26lt;3





Iris %26lt;3

Jocelyn %26lt;3

Juliet %26lt;3

Jessamyn %26lt;3



Maren %26lt;3

Marilyn %26lt;3




Rosalind %26lt;3




What are some pretty and feminine names that do not end in -a, -ia, -y, or -ie ?microsoft publisher internet explorer

I'm fond of Grace, Isabelle, Madison, Addison, Charlotte, and Hannah, Allison.etc...
Isabelle I like that alot but then they may call her bella breaking you rule!
Dawn, very simple and elegant!!
How about:

Elizabeth, Diane, Anne, Heather, Margaret, Bridget, Susan, Suzanne, Caitlin/Kaitlin, Kathleen, Katherine?
Hannah, Madison, Rachel, Cabernet, Sharon, Karen, Erin, or Tess. I hope these help. Please rate my answer!!!!!!!
Kendal, Grace, Alexis, Jailynn, Krislyn, Kaelyn


























Those are a few hope this helps.
Ur really trying to make us think with this one. You have 5 that you like, go with those!









If u dont like the names o well atleast i gave it a shot.........
Jaylin/ Je'lyn/ Jailynne






what about madison or sarah or kaitlyn or jacquline
Imogen, Elspeth, Genevieve, Gwenyth, Madolen, Jade, Rhian, Margareith, Beth
Esther - means "star", pronounced Es-ter; woman in the Bible; she became queen and saved the Jewish people from being killed in a massacre.

Hadassah - pronounced Hu-daws-uh; Esther's Hebrew name.

Ruth - woman in the Bible; she followed her mother in-law to Bethlehem as a widow. She wanted to be with her people adn worship her God.

Dorcas - woman in the Bible who was very giving and made clothes for the poor and needy.


I like Kate or Kaitlyn.


thats only a few names






Brielle, Nicole, Heather, Michele, Grace, Madeline, Corrine, Kimberlyn, Ashlyn, Robin, Elizabeth, Diane, MaryAnne, Julianne, Caroline, Carolyn, Justine, Coral, Jillian, or April.
Peyton, Summer, Amber.
Margret, Shannon,
Isabelle and charlotte end in an -e which is a vowel so i'm a bit confused... names that don't end in any vowel are:




















Lauren, Meredith, Elizabeth, Marlis, Marin.
Gabrielle, Camryn, Lauren, Madeline, Abigayle, Sarah, Kendall, Taleah, Cadence, Karris, London, Eve, Janee, Meaghan, Morgan, Corrine, Saige, Katelyn, Jade, Hope, Paige, Grace, Faith, Violet

have fun looking

What are some good books that I could read online that are good for the mind(ie books on gutenberg o

What are some good books that I could read online.I mainly want to read books that are good for the mind(ie books on gutenberg or manybook or whatever other sites that provide free books.The only type of books that i dont like are theology books but anything else is good

What are some good books that I could read online that are good for the mind(ie books on gutenberg or manybookmicrosoft excel

I would recommend books like:

-Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

-War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

-Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

-The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

-Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

-Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (or any of hers)

-A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (and others of his)

-The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer

-Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

-Some of the works of William Shakespeare like Hamlet and Othello and others

There are so many more that I could add, but each of the classics would include some things that are good for the mind in one way or another. They will make you think, improve your language skills and vocabulary and give you a view of other times and customs.

I hope this helps.

What are some good books that I could read online that are good for the mind(ie books on gutenberg or manybookmicrosoft updates internet explorer

Plato , Aristotle , etc . . .

I want to make a Flash Sim Game IE. 1st person click areas and characters to interact-similar to a D

I have used Flash before and am confortable with the interface, however I am only a novice and have used it to make stopframe movies and movies made using Tweens etc. A webpage with a step-by-step tutorial would be helpful, books would also be helpful.

[I dont' know of many examples of the style I am referring to...however Newgrounds ( has some sims that appear to be in the format i'd like.]

Thanks for reading.

I want to make a Flash Sim Game IE. 1st person click areas and characters to interact-similar to a Dating Sim?microsoft office 2007

I believe has many useful tutorials about actionscript

Why would links on my website work on IE but not on FireFox?

For some reason my links work in internet explorer but not in firefox. my site is here:

Why would links on my website work on IE but not on FireFox?windows installer

This actually a very common mistake that is made by not testing with all the major Browsers.

Many folks that make there first web site just take for granted that everyone has Internet Explorer. This is the reason you always test any site you develop with all the major Browsers, I would include Safari, Netscape, Opera.


Why would links on my website work on IE but not on FireFox?microsoft vista internet explorer

That's just how it is. Some browsers don't support certain types of HTML and other code. *shrug* That's one of the many disadvantages to having the wondrous firefox.
it works for me, so that means its just your computer or your firefox. You should just reinstall firefox and see if you can go to the link again
For starters, I commend you on actually checking for compatability.

Now...I am almost positive the reason is that in your CSS you used "position:absolute;" which doesn't render in FireFox. I hate to say it, but you may have to recode/have you site recoded.
Looking at your code there are some non-standard terms in it. These may be MS specific, I avoid non-standard like the plague. Also check that you have no incomplete links, like forgetting a closing %26lt;/a%26gt;, this can have unpredictable results.

Any plug-ins for Firefox that can help me view a site made for use with IE?

I currently use Firefox for internet browsing. However, I need to access a website which is apparently only viewable using Internet Explorer.

How do I see it without having to download/install IE? Are there any appropriate plug-ins for Firefox?


Any plug-ins for Firefox that can help me view a site made for use with IE?safari browser

IE View

IE Tab

Any plug-ins for Firefox that can help me view a site made for use with IE?ds browser internet explorer

ie tab
IE tab is great. It puts an icon(IE or FF) in the lower right side of the browser window. When you load a page meant for IE click it and it will reload as an IE window right in Firefox! Click it again and you go back to FF.

IE view only gives you a right click option to open the page in an IE window.
Yes - there's a plugin called IETab that allows a Windows user to browse a site in IE while still in Firefox. Since all Windows computers have IE built in, you wouldn't need to download and install it. You can get IETab from here: However, I don't believe it works for Linux.

Vista default web browser set as Firefox. But my Yahoo mail still opens up in IE when going via mssg

Hi, I've configured Firefox as the default web browser in my new Vista Ultimate system. However, when I try to access Yahoo! mail from Yahoo! messenger or opens links from chat window they still open up in IE. I am unable to find any straight forward solution to this. I've checked the default settings in start menu and it shows Firefox as the default web programme.

Anyone has a clue as to what might be causing this? My Laptop is just a day old so I haven't used it extensively yet to know if this error occurs across other locations.

Thanks in advance for the help! :-)

Vista default web browser set as Firefox. But my Yahoo mail still opens up in IE when going via mssgr.?internet browser

Vista default web browser set as Firefox. But my Yahoo mail still opens up in IE when going via mssgr.?windows media center internet explorer

ive got a similar problem running xp got firefox but emails on msn messenger open with ie and after literally having the problem for years ive come to the conclusion that you can not change it sorry:(
Unfortunately as MSN Messenger is Microsoft's program, they want you to use their web browser, and so ignore the defaults. I don't know of any way around it directly, but you could try something like Tillian [1] or Pidgin [2] which allows you to log into MSN Messenger and other Instant Messaging accounts, all through one program, and will use your default browser.

What's the problem with macromedia dreamweaver?on mozilla my webpage does not work,but in IE it

i have made a website with macromedia dreamweaver and on browsers like Mozilla,it does not look good.not like i want.but with Netscape or IE 7,everything goes well.what should i do,to work on Mozilla(many users navigate with Mozilla)?

What's the problem with macromedia dreamweaver?on mozilla my webpage does not work,but in IE it's ok?windows mobile 6

well, browsers ARE differently implemented, so the same page may look different in IE and FF. In fact it's a whole science (or art) of making cross-browser web-pages.

for example, here's some CSS bugs found in IE, that make a page look weird.

i am sure you can find a lot more by googling 'browser differences', 'internet explorer bugs', 'css hacks' etc.

if you cannot make the code browser-independent, use 'conditional comments' (google it), and write separate code for IE and other browsers.

What's the problem with macromedia dreamweaver?on mozilla my webpage does not work,but in IE it's ok?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

I think that the Mozilla firefox users are much more than IE users ... make sure that your firefox has all the needed plugins for running the webpage properly ... specially Java and Flash ...
is it pure html?



send me the address or html file and ill check it out

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